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Agriculture at BMC: A new family of companion journals

At BMC, we are very excited to introduce a new family of companion journals in Agriculture and Livestock.

This new family builds on, and better connects, existing leader BMC journals in the field, and expands the portfolio with new high-quality gold open access journals, aiming to support the same community of scientists.

Aims and benefits:

  • A stronger and better connected community of key scientists supporting the journals
  • A wider choice available to researchers through a range of specialist journals
  • Enhanced collaboration between editors, reviewers, and authors 
  • More opportunities for collaboration through cross-journal collections
  • Better support to authors in directing them to the editors with the most suitable expertise to handle their submission and finding a manuscript its best home 
  • A more complete offering of journals with broader or more specialist scope, catering for a wider variety of research types.

Interested in joining the editorial board? Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member positions are available. Enquire here for more information.

Aquaculture Science and Management

Aquaculture Science and Management is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative research about the management of aquaculture species, the related food security considerations, and the industry’s relationship with the environment.

The subjects covered include, but are not limited to, animal management and health, infectious and non-infectious diseases, genetics, reproduction, animal welfare and ethics, technology, policy and legislation, economics, food security and climate change.

Dairy Science and Management

Dairy Science and Management is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative research about the management of dairy animals, the production of dairy products and the related food security considerations.

The subjects covered include, but are not limited to, animal management and health, infectious and non-infectious diseases, genetics, reproduction, animal welfare and ethics, technology, policy and legislation, economics, and food security.

Poultry Science and Management

Poultry Science and Management is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative research about the management of poultry animals for both meat and eggs, the production of poultry products and the related food security considerations.

The subjects covered include, but are not limited to, animal management and health, infectious and non-infectious diseases, genetics, reproduction, animal welfare and ethics, technology, policy and legislation, economics, and food security.

Porcine Health Management

Porcine Health Management is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish relevant, novel and revised information regarding all aspects of swine health medicine and production. The journal provides a venue for global research on swine health and production, including infectious and non-infectious diseases, reproduction, epidemiology, management, economics, genetics, housing, nutrition, animal welfare and ethics, legislation, food safety, drugs and surgery.

Agriculture & Food Security

Agriculture & Food Security is a peer-reviewed open access journal that addresses the challenge of global food security. It publishes articles within the field of food security research, with a particular focus on research that may inform more sustainable agriculture and food systems that better address local, regional, national and/or global food and nutritional insecurity. The journal considers cutting-edge contributions across the breadth of relevant academic disciplines, including agricultural, ecological, environmental, nutritional, and socio-economic sciences, public health and policy.