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A new family of companion journals

At BMC, we are very excited to introduce a new family of companion journals in Agriculture and Livestock. This new family builds on, and better connects, existing leader BMC journals in the field, and expands the portfolio with new high-quality gold open access journals, aiming to support the same community of scientists.

Waivers Available

For articles submitted in 2024 and 2025, Poultry Science and Management has waivers available to offer that can be allocated on acceptance. Once the standard peer review process has been completed and the Editors have made a decision to accept the article, authors who have been granted a waiver won’t need to pay an APC. Enquire here for more information or to request a waiver.

New Collection

Improving Poultry Husbandry and Welfare: Considerations for Population Density, Building Design, and Bone Health

Guest Editors:
AfÅŸin Kocakaya, DVM, PhD, Ankara University, Turkey

Professor Nicole Kemper, PhD, Veterinary University of Hanover, Germany

Submission Status: Open until 4 June 2025

Announcing the launch of In Review

Poultry Science and Management, in partnership with Research Square, is now offering In Review. Authors choosing this free optional service will be able to:

  • Share their work with fellow researchers to read, comment on, and cite even before publication
  • Showcase their work to funders and others with a citable DOI while it is still under review
  • Track their manuscript - including seeing when reviewers are invited, and when reports are received 

Aims and scope

Poultry Science and Management is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative research about the management of poultry animals for both meat and eggs, the production of poultry products and the related food security considerations.
The subjects covered include, but are not limited to, animal management and health, infectious and non-infectious diseases, genetics, reproduction, animal welfare and ethics, technology, policy and legislation, economics, and food security.
The journal welcomes content from around the world about all poultry species.


Join the Editorial Board

Poultry Science and Management is recruiting Editorial Board Members. Click on the button below to read more information and submit your application. 

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